Extended DISC for Powerful Communicators
Understand the code behind human behaviour
BOOK YOUR EDISC NOWDiscover how to become a masterful communicator by easily predicting human behaviour. Instead of being baffled by what people do and say, learn how to quickly and effortlessly connect with other people so you can be a powerful influencer as a leader.
Ever left a conversation scratching your head wondering what planet the other person was from?
Leadership can certainly brings its challenges and one of the biggest challenges is being able to influence others - your team, your peers, your customers, in fact just about everyone (including your kids!)
It’s frustrating - you know what you want to say, it makes sense to you but you can tell by their glazed eyes that they just didn’t get it and you know in your gut that you will be needing to explain it yet another time (at least!).
Imagine knowing exactly how to communicate with someone in a way that hits the mark first time around? It all flows smoothly, you’re able to adapt and blend your communication style to match anyone you want to influence.
Imagine being able to predict human behaviour in others - it is like having an instruction manual that explains why people do what they do. It reveals exactly how to deal with people & step into their shoes to create stronger connections & get results quickly.
Imagine knowing exactly how to communicate with someone in a way that hits the mark first time around?
It all flows smoothly, you’re able to adapt and blend your communication style to match anyone you want to influence.
What is Extended DISC?
Extended DISC is a psychometric and workplace assessment tool designed to help individuals, teams and organisations to become more successful.
Extended DISC provides easy to use information on how to modify human behaviour. Extended DISC supports individuals and businesses to improve relationships, communication and key aspects of business such as Leadership and Management.
Extended DISC assessments are based on concepts of human behaviour from well renowned psychologists and behavioural theorists.
Today Extended DISC assessments are part of the daily management system of thousands of organisations all around the world, with over one million assessments completed annually.
The DISC behavioural styles have been very interesting and beneficial for each of the Management team to understand how each other ticks and how they can communicate with each other in a more effective manner. Going through this in the workshop environment allowed each member to see how their and each others particular style works and take away a clearer understanding of each other which is evident in Board meetings and dealings since participating in the workshop.
- Chris Martin, First National King and Heath
Through Extended DISC you will learn:

How others perceive you based on your natural behaviours

Your unique DISC profile, accurately capturing what comes naturally and what’s non-natural when it comes to your communication style

What to do (and what to avoid) to improve your communication with others

Your strengths, as well as how you respond in stress situations (and more importantly, how to deal with this)

What your motivators and de-motivators are so that you can clearly see how they impact your performance

How to identify styles in others with a step-by-step guide on how to communicate, how NOT communicate and how develop the relationship, no matter what their preferred style is
Let's Meet
The connection between all things leadership and human behaviour is my sweet spot.
With over 5 years under my belt as a leadership coach, an accredited Level 1 and 2 DISC Consultant, nearly 200 individual Extended DISC unpacks, and having facilitated DISC workshops for teams across a broad range of industries, I can guarantee you the knowledge I have to share will take your understanding of people to a whole new level.
- Vanessa Medling

Are You Sick of:
- Dealing with workplace conflict without a clear strategy to resolve it
- Repeating yourself over and over again to the same person who just doesn’t seem to get it
- Being surprised and frustrated by certain people and have no idea how to change it
- Taking forever to figure some people out instead of having the roadmap that will get you there quickly
- Letting people issues get in the way of achieving what you know you and your team are capable of
Use the Extended DISC assessment to help you to find out something NEW.
This isn’t just a PDF file you get by email that you file away and forget about.
Instead, you will:

Have access to recorded videos on the different aspects of human behaviour that help you identify styles in others so you can top up your knowledge bank at any time;

A one on one personal unpack session with me to help you understand your unique Extended DISC Leadership Report;

The opportunity to access different kinds of reports for anyone who has received their Extended DISC profile from me (like pairs report for you and your team member, group report for your whole team, tailored reports to a specific role such as leadership, sales, customer service) at no extra cost for you;

Access to monthly tips, tricks and case studies that will help you keep this learning alive forever, giving you a powerful tool in your toolkit so that understanding what makes people tick will just become second nature to you.
Services Available

Individual Extended DISC Profiling Report & Unpack session
$800 (Ex GST)
Dive deep into what makes you tick.
The beauty of completing an Extended DISC behavioural profile is that it measures not only your conscious behavioural style, but also your unconscious or natural behavioural style.
Only by comparing both is it possible to look at the emotions communicated by you at the time of completion of the questionnaire - such as stress levels, uncertainty of your role, insecurity, frustration, pressure to change and more. And as a coach I know exactly how to navigate you through these challenges.
The tailored report is easy to understand, extremely accurate and prompts discussions about how you can work to your strengths, whilst coming up with strategies to improve your blind spots.
The unpack is unique in its combination of delivery methods:
Online videos that you can tap into any time to deepen your understanding; and
An individual unpack session where we go through your report in detail together so you’re ready to take immediate action

Extended DISC Profiling & Workshops for Teams
This is where the individual reports and unpacks as mentioned above happen for each member of the team. Once everyone has a base understanding of their own preferred style and can easily identify key behaviours of the other styles, then we’re ready to take this to a whole new level.
Using DISC as a model, it helps people to understand, appreciate, and work more effectively with others. Miscommunications get cleared up. Conflicts get productively addressed and resolved. And team members become more motivated.
The team workshop focuses on the team’s combined profile, allowing the opportunity for everyone to deepen their connection and understanding of each other. Through collaboration, the team learns how to become adaptable, self-aware and start listening at a deeper level to their colleagues. They discover a way of talking about differences in a positive, non-judgmental way.
And they have fun with each other in the process!

Facilitated workshops for large groups
Usually in groups of 40 or more, workshop participants will learn about their own behaviours. They will recognise and explore ways they prefer to act, relate, work, socialise, and deal with change, as well as the ways they prefer to be approached, consulted, and involved in a group process.
Participants will then learn how to recognise other people’s styles, their strengths and limitations, and how to work more effectively with them.
By the end of the workshop, participants will:
Know more about what makes them tick – why some things come naturally to them (and others not so naturally!)
Understand their colleagues, friends and family and why they do what they do
Gain an understanding of individual behaviour and how it plays out in the workplace
Know how to build rapport and cooperation with others instantly
Develop better ways of working together
Reduce conflict and miscommunication
Improve team collaboration
The workshop itself involves people in a highly interactive process of self-discovery and insight. People recognise themselves and others as the behavioural patterns are described. They discover a way of talking about differences in a positive, non-judgmental way.
And they have fun with each other in the process!

Recruitment Profiles
Using DISC in the recruitment of candidates, allow you insights into their behaviour that can be hard to pick up on in only one or two interviews. The Recruitment & Selection profile outlines the preferred learning style of candidates, how to recognise potential causes of stress and helps you understand their natural behavioural fit to the job skills - all before you hire them!
Predict how your new hire will fit into the role and select the ideal candidate every time with a DISC assessments.
- Screen potential candidates
- Identifying candidates who match job requirements
- Ensure smooth onboarding and training
- Recognise areas for learning and development
- Identify preferred job content
- Recognise learning and communication styles
Does this sound like you?
“I don’t think people can be put in a box"
“I can’t change my personality”
“I can just do a profile online for free”
“I’ve done personality profiling before”
As a Professional Services organisation, QMetrix’s people are its most important asset. Finding the right candidates to join our team is absolutely paramount. A critical component of the recruiting process is obtaining a deeper understanding of the prospective candidate’s natural style of work by generating a DISC profile. Inspiring Success helps us to interpret the profile, enabling QMetrix to comprehend how the candidate will fit within the team, and importantly, what motivates and demotivates them. It also enables us to work with the candidate’s strengths and acknowledge potential areas of challenge once they have joined the team.
- Michael Coyle, Q Metrix
Vanessa introduced me to a completely different perspective, working through the eyes of DISC. I have improved my confidence levels and really influenced change in my organisation.
- Cory Kennedy, Kennedy Trailers
It opened my eyes to who I am and why I do what I do. It made me understand what my stretch areas were and we were able to create strategies to combat these.
- Matthew Cook, Southern Rural Water
I have done lots of workshops similar to this throughout my career and this I must tell you; this has been the best workshop that I have had the pleasure in encountering!
- Bernie Nunn, Hibbert & Hodges Lawyers
Vanessa ran an engaging and highly interactive virtual teambuilding session using the DISC profile tool. With a few new team members who had started just as we were switching to remote work, a team building session was important for improving team cohesion, and DISC in particular was valuable in helping us all to get to know each other better. In the weeks after the workshop, I've noticed team members referring to insights from the workshop regularly in team meetings, so the message has clearly stuck. Thanks, Vanessa!